Boost your Retirement Income Safely and in Control

Learn how you can use your locked away home equity to generate a regular income stream alongside your pension and superannuation for a comfortable and confident retirement plan.

Retirees are worried about outliving superannuation and savings

Income in Retirement

Learn how your locked away home equity can be used as income in your retirement

Government Protections

Understand the Government protections to protect your home and your family

Tailored to Your Needs

Get an idea for how a Reverse Mortgage could be tailored to your needs.

Unlocking Your Wealth

Understand how much equity YOU could UNLOCK!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Equity release is a broad term used to generally refer to a product that allows a home or property owner to release some of their equity. There are two primary types of products that allow customers to do this. One being a Reverse Mortgage, the other being a Home Reversion.

Home Reversions are designed to allow seniors access to debt-free funding for their retirement. It can also be an alternative to borrowing against your home’s value. You agree to sell a part of your house or a percentage of its future sale proceeds to trade for money, with no capitalising interest as one of its benefits. You remain as the homeowner and live in it with no obligation to sell until you choose to.

The total amount you can access will be calculated based on your age, the location of your property, as well as the value of your home. It can be designed so that you only access what you need, when you need it. If you would like to receive an obligation-free estimate, you can use our Equity Calculator.

How much can I access as an income stream?

Reverse mortgages are well regulated by the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009; these protections apply to our ASAG Reverse Mortgage as well as other equity release products.

  • You remain the homeowner of your property and can benefit from any growth in the property value in the future.
  • A Lifetime Occupancy is guaranteed, so the lender cannot remove you from your home. Also, they cannot force you to sell your home against your will as long as you meet your obligations under the reverse mortgage.
  • The “No Negative Equity Guarantee” (NNEG) law was introduced in 2012, so you can be protected and cannot owe more than your home’s value.

What protections are offered by Government?

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