Reverse Mortgage in Darwin

Provider of Reverse Mortgage in Darwin
Many people assume that by the time they enter retirement, they will have enough savings to fund a comfortable lifestyle they have always desired. Unfortunately, for many Australians this is not the case given the rising costs of living as well as the ageing population. With greater life expectancy, the three pillars of income source for seniors: the government pension, superannuation, and savings can only stretch so far in the duration of one’s retirement years.
Therefore, there’s more demand for equity release products such as reverse mortgages as it becomes popular with retirees who may not have adequate income to fund their objectives. This is understandable because of the way it was designed. A reverse mortgage is simply a loan allowing senior homeowners access to the wealth in their home without selling or losing their title to the property.
Tailored to Fit a Comfortable and Confident Darwin Retirement
At ASAG, our reverse mortgage is tailored to fit the lifestyle of seniors in Australia, particularly in Darwin, to help them live a comfortable retirement. The A.S.A.G. Reverse Mortgage allows you to be in control of how and when you choose to access your home equity. You can use the funds for various purposes such as debt consolidation, living expenses, aged care, home improvements, car upgrade, or travel and holidays.
One of the loan’s features is that no regular repayments are required until the end of the term. The A.S.A.G. Reverse Mortgage only becomes repayable when you sell your home, move into residential care, or pass away. However, if you wish to make early repayments, you are free to do so at any time without penalty. Many of our senior customers enjoy the flexibility that this repayment structure grants.
If you have any further enquiries, would like to find out how you can draw down the funds, or what other equity release solutions fit you, please contact our team on 1300 002 724 or visit our website. We’re ready to assist you with your funding needs.